Saturday 28 December 2013

Seasons Greetings + Our First Blog Giveaway!!

Hello everyone! Seasons greeting from Fenix INKorporated & I!
I hope y'all are enjoying the holidays, hopefully without Lagos traffic. I am very thankful to God Almighty for a great year! I might not be where I wanna but atleast I'm not where I used to be. So we should not forget the reason for the season & the greatest gift ever; salvation through baby Jesus!

This is an outfit I wore to one of the several #TurnUps this season inspired by SpongeBob Squarepants. Yea, I still watch cartoons but funny enough I don't watch SpongeBob.
Shirt - River Island
Tie - Tie Rack
Pants - 21 Men
Belt - Tie Rack
Bracelet - GetBeadUp by CDCouture
Stockings - Topman
Sneakers - New Look

So I got to work on a renovation project which allowed me release some creative juices & it is not as easy as Niecy Nash makes it look on Clean House. I took the pictures in the kids room which I conceptualized & executed making the walls more fun. You like?




Anyways in the spirit of the season I am giving away a SpongeBob Tee! First ever giveaway post!! Yay!
To win:
There are 2 easy steps!
1. Follow the blog on Google Friend Finder, Twitter, Bloglovin, and like the Facebook Page. Winner would be asked their social media name.
2. In the comments section of this post, name
a. The title of the first post which featured an illustration
b. Spongebob Squarepants's bestfriend
  1. You or a representative must be able to pick up the tee from a location in Lagos.
  2. You must be willing to take a photo for publication on @Sir_BinnaO and/or The Fenix Inkorporated Blog as proof of receipt.
  3. Make sure you have your real e-mail in the comments.
Deadline: Saturday 4th January 2014 at 9am!


Goodluck guys!
Stay Haute,
Sir Binna.
UPDATE:  The tee shirt goes to Madame Zeta & would be contacted shortly. Congratulations!!

1 comment:

  1. 1. New Look: No Church In The Wild 2. Patrick. Yaaayyyy I know I'm right, when do I get my tees?
